2014. április 5., szombat

What's the Meaning of Songs? Does Katie Perry Understand Postmodern?

I have been wondering whether any people listen to the meanings of the songs any more.

Well, I am sometimes so disappointed that I have to turn off the radio.

Let's pretend that Katie Perry's "Roar" has lyrics, which is obviously not true. What is the meaning you can get out of all that random B.S?

I have been thinking about this for many days now and I think I have a solution.

She wants the song to have no meaning.

Katie Perry heard that there's this new thing called POSTMODERN and she wants to be a part of it.It worked for Lady Gaga, right? So she comes up with deconstructing the text but instead of giving it a meaning, she kills it big time. So it is all because she didn't go to college, doesn't understand postmodern and got the whole thing wrong. Not a fan of Gaga, either, but at least she has some brain cells still. She can manipulate people through doing weird things (until she gets boring and comes up with a new idea). But it doesn't suit Katie Perry.

The conclusion: If you want to be postmodern, understand what it is all about. If you want to write a song, give it a meaning.

That's today's rumbles from the computer room. Comment below if you have anything to add or you hate my guts and you love Katie Perry.

P.S. There is an interesting article about the same topic, I agree with almost every word. http://blogs.citypages.com/gimmenoise/2013/11/katy_perry_roar_sucks.php 

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